Reception - Peach 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Reception 2024-2025 class page
Hello Peaches!
Peach class will have their first PE lesson next Wednesday, 10th September. Please could you send your child into school every Wednesday wearing PE kits and ensure that they have a water botte. Thank you.
Reading books
Please can you ensure that reading books are in your childs bag every Tuesday ready for us to collect them in. Thank you.
Peach Class
Your class Teachers are Mrs Thompson and Miss Caldwell.
Mrs Gormley is our wonderful Teaching Assistant.
Mrs Crow is our lovely Welfare Assistant.
Our doors open at 8.45am, ready to start our learning at 9.00am, and home time for Reception is 3.15pm.
During the morning, we have snack time where your can have fruit, and water or milk. Your children will need to bring a water bottle into school every day, please can you ensure they are filled with water and not juice, thank you.
In Reception, we have a classroom and an outside area where we can play and explore, and there are many opportunities for you to have fun and learn.
Christian Value - Our Christian value this half term is Thankfulness. We will be talking about this in class, exploring what it means and how we can show this towards each other.
Reading - We will read with children throughout the week, so please make sure your child has their bookbag in school every day, along with their school reading book and reading record (diary). Please re-read your child's book with them a minimum of 3 times during the week, as this helps them to build confidence and fluency with their reading.
We provide the children with a reading book matched to their phonic ability - to be read by the child, to an adult, as well as a separate book from our school library to be shared at home to help the children develop a love of reading for pleasure.
Both the phonics book, and the library book will be changed once a week - on a Friday. Please ensure your reading book is returned by Tuesday so that we are able to start reading a new book and your library book by friday.
If you have any questions or worries at any time, about anything related to school, please do just ask any of the Reception Team - we are all more than happy to help.
Stay safe and take care,
The Reception Team
"When it rains, look for rainbows, when it's dark, look for stars!"
Useful websites - This is our phonics and guided reading scheme. The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home. - now offering a free service. They have games to practise sounds, blending and segmenting as well as tricky words - maths and english games - to inspire discussions and writing - you can sign in as a parent and have access to hundreds of resources - writing - big club reading
BBC Bitesize
Youtube - counting songs, Jolly Phonics, tricky words, CVC blending
This half term we will be focussing on 'Get Heartsmart'
"Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22 v.6